By Eric Tress, Contributor

If you’re passionate about sports and want to turn your passion into a business, we may have an excellent business idea for you — a sports bar.

A sports bar gives you an excellent opportunity to create a fun and social environment for people to come together and watch sports while sipping their favorite drinks.

But just like any other business, there are multiple essential considerations you need to make. One of them is choosing your target audience/customers. You target the right customers and you’ll be smiling all the way to the bank. You make a wrong choice and your business will close in no time.

Traditionally, sports bars cater primarily to men But, what if you were to open a sports bar that specifically targets women? There are already a few sports bars out there that are showing only women sports and are drawing fans and guests. Let’s think through this together.

Should You Open a Sports Bar that Caters to Women?

Three women sports fans cheering at a professional women sporting event

The answer can be YES or NO!

Before we answer this question more precisely, let’s look at some of the considerations for opening a women’s sports bar.

Considerations for Opening a Women’s Sports Bar

Woman soccer fan in blue and yellow scarf with a blue foam finger

Here are some of the essential factors to consider when thinking of opening a sports pub for women.

Is There a Demand for Such a Venue?

The answer is yes! At least in some areas. There’s A Bar of Their Own in Minneapolis, MN which opened in March of 2024; Peaches in Toronto, Ontario opened at the end of 2022; Rough & Tumble Pub in Seattle, OR opened at the end of 2022; and The Sports Bra in Portland, OR also opened in 2022.

There’s also a slew of other women sports bars across the US and Canada in the process of being opened – such as Watch Me! in Long Beach, CA and Althea’s in NYC. So, in larger metropolitan areas, there’s definitely interest for women sports bars.

Demand gives rise to business opportunities. Businesses exist to solve problems. So, before opening a women’s sports bar, you’ll need to find out whether there’s sufficient demand for it in your area.

Today, sports are no longer male-dominated. Women’s interest in sports has been steadily rising over the years, with more women participating in and following sports than ever before.

Let’s explore some interesting facts about women and sports:

From the data above, we can see that women have a strong interest in sports. Therefore, there’s a potential market for a women’s sports bar.

Women’s sports leagues and events continue to gain more attention and viewership. The success of events like the Women’s World Cup and the Women’s National Basketball Association (WNBA), and the newly created Professional Women’s Hockey League (PWHL) clearly demonstrates a growing interest in women’s sports on a national and international level.

There is a growing demand for sports bars but the market for a women’s sports bar is not as established as that of their male counterparts.

What is Your Unique Selling Proposition?

Group of women cheering while wearing face paint at a women sports game.

By opening a sports bar that caters specifically to women, you’re already offering a unique selling proposition. Because, well, it’s a male-dominated market and you’re dedicated to showing only (or mostly) women sports.

Regardless, it can help to offer other unique offerings to distinguish your sports bar from other sports bars in your area. On top of showcasing the slew of amazing women sports games and events on TV, you could:

These events can also create a sense of community among patrons and encourage repeat business.

Where to Set up Your Business

A woman sports fan at a women's sports pub cheering while holding a beer and watching TV

Have you identified a specific location you want to set up your women’s sports bar?

Your location will influence the success of your sports bar significantly. Therefore, get it right from the start.

So, how do you identify a perfect spot for your women’s sports bar?

First, consider the demographics of the area. Pick a location with a potentially high concentration of women sports fans. These can be areas near sports stadiums, college campuses, or neighborhoods with a strong sports culture.

Also, consider the age, income level, and lifestyle of the local population and ensure they align with your target market.

Know Your Guests and Their Interests

Knowing your sports bar will aim to market primarily to women is not enough information for find and encourage folks to visit. So, what do you need to know about your audience?

What type of sports does your target audience love or watch the most? Is it football, hockey, or tennis? Is something a bit more obscure or underrated?

Additionally, identify the specific teams most of your target audience support. Is it a PWHL Boston, the Minnesota Lynx, the Twin Cities Amazons, or a specific player in the Athletes Unlimited Pro Lacrosse? The reason for this is that sometimes, there are multiple matches playing at the same time. Everyone wants to watch their favorite team play.

So, if there’s a specific team with a large fan base, you’ll definitely want to prioritize it — although you also have to satisfy the needs of other customers. That’s what multiple TVs are for, right!?

If you need help finding where all the games are listed, the SportsTV Guide can help.

Marketing Your Women’s Sports Bar

A woman sports fan influencer taking a selfie while holding a soccer ball

Marketing is an essential aspect of any business, especially now when technology is evolving at a rapid pace.

Here are some of the effective ways to market your women’s sports bar;

  • Partnerships and sponsorships: Building a good rapport with the community is one of the surest ways to earn people’s trust. More fans and guests will flock to your sports bar due to your acts of kindness — we love to support people and businesses that care. So, consider partnering with local sports teams or organizations and other women-owned businesses in the area, to co-host events or sponsorships. This allows you to reach a wider audience and create a sense of community around your bar.
  • Social media marketing: As of January 2024, about 62.3% of the world’s population uses social media, making it the ideal platform to market your women’s sports bar.
  • Influencer marketing: Join hands with local influencers or sports personalities to promote your women’s sports bar. Their endorsement can help build credibility and attract their followers to your establishment.
  • Local advertising: Advertise in local magazines, newspapers, or radio stations that cater to your target audience. Use eye-catching visuals and compelling messaging to attract attention.

Final Thoughts

We hope this article has helped you to clarify your vision further, should you consider opening a sports bar for women.

One last tip is that don’t limit yourself to sporting events. Anything and everything that unites your target audience is definitely worth trying. Think of beer-tasting,  board games, bonsai workshops, arcades, table football, esports, and anything that fits your wheelhouse and your guests interest.

We can’t emphasize more on the need for marketing your women’s sports bar. Consider seeking help from a digital marketing agency for extra ideas and strategies.