When SportsTV Guide started in 2003, we delivered 90% of our service via fax machine. That number has flipped to under 3% of our subscribers in the intervening 15+ years. The technology we employ today has profoundly changed the quality and reliability of our product and we see a bright future in further leveraging technology to improve our product and its value. To that end, we are ecstatic to inform you all about a beta test we are undertaking to validate a new feature.

We are inviting current STVG subscribers to help us vet our new Q Score program that will rate game quality for all events listed on your SportsTV Guide. The Q Score will help sports bar operators and managers identify the best matchups and games for their establishment to show.

If you want to see this powerful new feature live before the remainder of our subscribers have access, just complete the form below to be included. You will receive an email when you are confirmed for participation and your Guide will change to include the new scores

What is a ‘Q Score’?

If your restaurant employs anyone that isn’t really interested in sports (from a manager to your entire front of the house team), this feature will now help them to identify the best matchups for viewing at your location. All events are “Q” rated on a 100 point scale. We are using a variety of factors to determine the score — including rating the value of specific sports and where applicable the leagues that play them.

But equally valuable to these determinations are your preferences for specific teams.

How Does It Works?

Currently, when you create your profile, we automatically pick the local teams that are relevant to your market.

So, if you are in the Boston area, you would automatically have all the pro teams (Boston Celtics, Boston Bruins, Boston Red Sox, and New England Patriots) assigned to your account as favorites. On the college side, you would have Boston College, Boston University, Harvard, and Northeastern included on your team preference list. Consequently, games including those teams would have elevated scores in your location.

As a result, you can choose to have the teams you value, either for being local or because you host a fan group for them, on your favorites list.

In addition to favorites, we also include a power ranking for every major sports league that is available into the Q Score. For the NCAA, as an example, we use the regular rankings for all sports as the power ranking. The same power rankings are mostly available for professional leagues and where they aren’t, we address it by accessing their current record to build a power list.

What Do You Need to Do?

The beta test will only require that you view your Guide daily and give us feedback to see if you think the scoring is accurate to your own perceptions and useful for your restaurant’s team. We hope that many of you will get on board with the beta and help us make this new exciting feature the best version it can be for all the operators we support.

Just use the form above to sign up and get started!