What Does the AAF Mean to Sports Bars?

By now you’ve likely heard. There are two new professional football leagues vying for the opening left by the NFL’s most recent woes. Just a few years ago an alternate league would have been unthinkable, but the NFL has seen ratings drops while the player protests, and the head injury issues erode their stranglehold on all things football in the US. Enter Chuck Ebersol and Vince McMahon. Ebersol is the son of former NBC Sports President Dick Ebersol, who was a partner of Vince McMahon in the failed XFL experiment from 1999. Fast forward almost 20 years and it appears the landscape has changed -- even if the central players have not. While all these machinations are fascinating, what does The Alliance of American Football (AAF) mean to sports bar’s operations and marketing efforts? Below are three potential advantages from [...]

5 Alternative Sports TV Content Sports Bars Should Show

Football. Basketball. Baseball. Hockey. Soccer. Every sports bar worth its salt shows these games. Your loyal patrons and irregular guests expect you to be showing these sports on the regular every day and night of the week. So how do you stand out? You could give your guests a superior guest experience through technology or your atmosphere. That’s something we’ve harped on a ton in the past couple of years. Another way is to show alternative or “off-beat” sports programming on some of your TVs. This does a few things: It positions you as the sports expert in your neighborhood. Opens up your venue to a whole new group of fans & potentially regular clients. Opens your traditional guests into new sports they might love (and then come back to watch). Shows that you really care about sports entertainment and [...]

By |2022-06-08T13:23:12-04:00October 26th, 2017|Alternate Sports Programming, Online Sports|0 Comments

Yahoo, The NFL, and You!

The first streaming game of the NFL season is this Sunday at 9:30am ET/6:30am PT and we, at The Rail, couldn’t be more excited. Why? Because that means we can debut our first entry onto our Streaming Tab on the SportsTV Guide dashboard. Yes, streaming again! We know you guys don’t really care about streaming sports or even want to invest the few minutes to assess where it fits with your overall sports programming, but it’s coming and there is nothing any of us can do about it. This game between the Baltimore Ravens and Jacksonville Jaguars is exclusively on Yahoo.com for anyone outside of these two demographic markets. If you are in or around Baltimore/Jacksonville you will get the game on your local CBS affiliate and it will be listed on your guide. However, if you are anywhere else, [...]

By |2022-06-08T13:33:56-04:00September 22nd, 2017|Alternate Sports Programming, Sports TV News|0 Comments

English Premier League Offers Games Stream Only

Putting a Little English (Premier LG) on Steaming Sports Why it matters to you: This is the first major sports league to offer 2nd tier games on stream only. For the past several years, many of you have enjoyed a great value from the English Premier League Extra Time programming. These weekly games changed the position of EPL in our business and many of you have a healthy traffic built around that content. Unfortunately, that is about to change. This week’s EPL kick offs will not be available to you on DIRECTV. NBC holds the contract and has decided to monetize the second tier games that don’t make their national broadcast channels via a streaming-only approach. This means that you will only see games on NBC Sports Network and the flagship NBC network chain. Otherwise, games that aren’t available on [...]

By |2022-06-08T13:47:10-04:00August 7th, 2017|Alternate Sports Programming, Online Sports|0 Comments

Why Sports Bars Need to Start Live Streaming Video

By Rob Cressy, Founder, Cress Media Houston, we have a problem. Consumers and Facebook love when brands post native videos (including live streaming), but there are very few, if any, sports bars or restaurants that make this part of their ongoing content creation and social media marketing mix. Lucky for you, I want to help you solve this problem, and I’m going to do so in a fun and engaging way. Let’s start with the nuts & bolts Facebook ranks live-streaming videos higher in the news feed, and users spend 3x more time watching live broadcasts than traditional videos on the platform. A recent study also showed native videos have an 186% higher engagement rate, and are shared 1000% more than videos linked to from other hosting sites like Youtube and Vimeo. What does this mean for you? Creating videos as part of your social media [...]

This week in eSports… ESL turns to Facebook Live

eSports now worth almost $900 million eSports is a young, booming and wealthy industry. According to SuperData Research, eSports is worth $892 million currently and expected to break $1 billion sometime next year el mejor sitio. SuperData also expects viewership to increase from 214 million to 202 million by 2019. eSports turns to Facebook Live Digiday had an interesting post on how ESL One Cologne, the world's biggest eSports promoter, used Facebook Live. Their recent tournament in Germany had 42,000 live attenders and drew 21.7 million unique viewers online. ESL used Facebook Live to interview top players and video game personalities, visit partner booths, etc. It was great use of showing additional content and behind-the-scenes look for folks who couldn't be there themselves. “With Facebook Live, we are creating this ‘B-stream’ exclusively for the platform,” said Johannes Schiefer, director of global social and editorial [...]

What are eSports? [VIDEO]

What are eSports, you wonder? While sports bars and restaurants are keen on showing traditional sports, eSports remains a relatively untapped market. Learn what eSports are and get an overview on what the competitive gaming market looks today and predictions for the future. This is the first in a series of videos that explain the eSports market and help guide sports bars and restaurants into breaking into the industry, connect to eSports fans and tap into the competitive gaming market. ADDITIONAL RESOURCES: Superdata's eSports Market Brief Venturebeat.com: eSports Market Growth Wikipedia: eSports LoL eSports home ESPN's eSports coverage eSports stadium image by ESL (Helena Kristiansson)

Why Sports Bars Need to Stream Web-only Games

I have been preaching for years that the way TV will be consumed in the future is going to change. When the NFL aired a game on Yahoo! this season I was proven clairvoyant. The NFL’s experiment was a perfect use case for understanding the future of live sports on the Internet. USA Today broke down what they thought were the pros and cons of the live stream. Pros: Focused on the mobile experience and the picture quality. US Today compared the game to broadcast quality and lauded the production values. Cons: Some technical issues with buffering and it wasn’t on a TV, so screen size was limited. That is to say, the NFL is better viewed on a big TV. However, the biggest revelation is the number of people unable to stream the game from their computers to their TVs because they lack the technical expertise. This means [...]

By |2022-06-09T10:21:23-04:00February 23rd, 2016|Alternate Sports Programming, Online Sports|0 Comments
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